
How to Create a Great Call to Action for Your Direct Response Advertising

DR marketing

Direct response advertising presents businesses with a unique opportunity to create advertisements that drive action from potential customers. When direct response marketing is at its best, prospects are so intrigued with the marketing that they take immediate action after viewing it. DR marketing is great for any size business and can really make a big impact on your marketing endeavors. If you team up with a great direct response agency like Premiere Direct Response, you can take your business to entirely new heights. One of the essential aspects of getting DR marketing right is creating a great call to action. Keep reading on below to learn about some of the ways you can create a call to action that is sure to drive success.

  • Emphasize Words That Provoke Emotions or Enthusiasm

In order to create a call to action that helps you succeed in your direct response advertising goals, you need to use words that provoke emotions or enthusiasm. If your call to action doesn’t make your prospects feel anything, it’s likely to fall flat. Use words that are straightforward and powerful to make sure that your prospects take action after seeing your DR marketing. The perfect example would be something like “Call now to get 50% off of your order!” Who wouldn’t be enthusiastic about getting 50% off?

  • Start with Strong Verbal Commands

If you want people to take action after seeing your direct response advertising, tell them what you want them to do by using strong verbal commands to start off your call to action. For example, try using words like buy, order, shop, find out more, sign up now, etc. These words are clear, concise, and they let your audience know exactly what you want them to do. This is key for creating a call to action that drives results.

  • Use Numbers if Applicable

Another great way to make sure your call to action works well is to use numbers when you can. Including pricing information or statistics that can compel your prospects to take action is always useful. If you decide to work with a great direct response agency like Premiere Direct Response, they can help you choose the right numbers for your call to action. It takes some creativity and experimenting to figure out the best way to use numbers in your CTA, but it can be very lucrative if you get things right.


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